Imaging Control 4 C Library 1.2.0
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CIC4_ALLOCATOR_CALLBACKSContains function pointers used to configure a custom allocator for image buffers
 CIC4_BUFFER_POOLThe buffer pool allows allocating additional image buffers for use by the program
 CIC4_BUFFER_POOL_CONFIGConfigures the behavior of a IC4_BUFFER_POOL
 CIC4_BUFFERPOOL_ALLOCATION_OPTIONSContains options to configure the allocation when requesting an image buffer from a buffer pool
 CIC4_DEVICE_ENUMDevice enumerator type
 CIC4_DEVICE_INFODevice information type
 CIC4_DISPLAYRepresents a display that can be used to display images
 CIC4_DISPLAY_STATSA structure containing display statistics
 CIC4_FRAME_METADATAA structure containing frame metadata
 CIC4_GRABBERRepresents an opened video capture device, allowing device configuration and stream setup
 CIC4_IMAGE_BUFFERRepresents an image buffer
 CIC4_IMAGE_TYPERepresents an image type, including pixel format and image dimensions
 CIC4_IMAGEBUFFER_SAVE_OPTIONS_BMPContains image file storage options for bitmap files
 CIC4_IMAGEBUFFER_SAVE_OPTIONS_JPEGContains image file storage options for Jpeg files
 CIC4_IMAGEBUFFER_SAVE_OPTIONS_PNGContains image file storage options for PNG files
 CIC4_IMAGEBUFFER_SAVE_OPTIONS_TIFFContains image file storage options for TIFF files
 CIC4_INIT_CONFIGThe library initialization config structure
 CIC4_INTERFACEDevice interface type
 CIC4_PROPERTYRepresents a property of a component, usually of a video capture device
 CIC4_PROPERTY_DIALOG_OPTIONSA structure containing options customizing the appearance and behavior of the property dialog displayed by the ic4_gui_grabber_show_device_properties() and ic4_gui_show_property_map() functions
 CIC4_PROPERTY_LISTRepresents a list of properties
 CIC4_PROPERTY_MAPRepresents the property interface of a component, usually a video capture device
 CIC4_QUEUESINK_CALLBACKSContains function pointers used to specify the behavior of a queue sink
 CIC4_QUEUESINK_CONFIGConfigures the behavior of a queue sink
 CIC4_QUEUESINK_QUEUE_SIZESContains information about the current queue lengths inside the queue sink
 CIC4_SINKRepresents a sink, allowing programmatic access to image data
 CIC4_SNAPSINK_CONFIGConfigures the behavior of a snap sink
 CIC4_STREAM_STATSContains statistics counters that can be used to analyze the stream behavior and identify possible bottlenecks
 CIC4_VIDEO_WRITERRepresents a video writer