The Y800 color format is an 8 bit monochrome format. Every pixel is represented by one byte. The organization of the pixels in the image buffer is from left to right and top down. In other words: The first byte of the image buffer corresponds to the first pixel of the first line of the image.
A video capture device, video format, FrameHandlerSink with a ImageBuffers collections, which defines the image data color format must have been setup. The following code fragments show step-by-step how to access and manipulate the pixel data of Y800.
First of all, we have to capture an image. Otherwise, the image buffer would be empty. To do so, live mode is started and FrameHandlerSink.SnapImage is called.
To access the bytes of the image buffer, you can write buf[column,line] in C# and buf(column,line) in VB.NET.
In this example, we want to read out the first (upper left hand) two pixels of the image. In a second step we manipulate the first 3 pixels. Because Y800 images are stored top-down, the index of the first line is 0.
Instead of only reading pixel data, it is, of course, possible to manipulate the data as well. The following code sets the upper left hand pixel to black and the next 2 pixels to gray and white. After this manipulation, the image is saved to a BMP file.
To check the result, open the saved image and take a look at the upper left hand pixels. They should look as follows: