Format definitions¶
General references:
RGB formats¶
Full-string: video/x-raw,format=BGRx
8-bit BGRx format, aka RGB32
uint8_t[0,3]: [blue][green][red][x]
struct BGRx {
uint8_t b;
uint8_t g;
uint8_t r;
uint8_t x; // This is always 0xFF
Full-string: video/x-raw,format=BGR
8-bit BGR format, aka RGB24
uint8_t[0,2]: [blue][green][red]
struct BGRx {
uint8_t b;
uint8_t g;
uint8_t r;
Full-string: video/x-raw,format=RGBx64
16-bit BGRx little endian format
uint16_t[0,3]: [blue][green][red][x]
struct RGBx64 {
uint16_t b;
uint16_t g;
uint16_t r;
uint16_t x; // This is always 0xFF
Monochrome formats¶
Full-string: video/x-raw,format=GRAY16_LE
8-bit GRAY little endian format, aka Y16, Mono16
struct GRAY16_LE {
uint16_t y;
Full-string: video/x-raw,format=GRAY10
16-bit format, with lower 10 bits valid
uint16_t* src = ..;
uint16_t pixel0 = src[0] & 0x3FF;
Full-string: video/x-raw,format=GRAY10sp
Full-string: video/x-raw,format=GRAY10m
10-bit MIPI packed format layout
uint8_t [0,4]: [pix0_hi][pix1_hi][pix2_hi][pix3_hi][pix0_lo|pix1_lo|pix2_lo|pix3_lo]
Example code to convert 10 bit formats to 4 uint16_t values:
uint8_t* src = ..;
uint16_t pixel0 = (src[0] << 8) | (src[4] & 0b00000011) << 6;
uint16_t pixel1 = (src[1] << 8) | (src[4] & 0b00001100) << 4;
uint16_t pixel2 = (src[2] << 8) | (src[4] & 0b00110000) << 2;
uint16_t pixel3 = (src[3] << 8) | (src[4] & 0b11000000) << 0;
Full-string: video/x-raw,format=GRAY12
16-bit format, with lower 12 bits valid
uint16_t* src = ..;
uint16_t pixel0 = src[0] & 0xFFF;
Full-string: video/x-raw,format=GRAY12p
Full-string: video/x-raw,format=GRAY12m
12-bit MIPI packed format layout
uint8_t [0,2]: [pix0_hi][pix1_hi][pix0_lo|pix1_lo]
Example code to convert 12 bit formats to 2 uint16_t values:
uint8_t* src = ..;
uint16_t pixel0 = (src[0] << 8) | (src[2] & 0x0F) << 4;
uint16_t pixel1 = (src[1] << 8) | (src[2] & 0xF0) << 0;
Full-string: video/x-raw,format=GRAY12sp
Bayer raw formats¶
These are always setup in one line the xg pixels next line the gy pixels. This makes the image for bggr like this:
line 0, [b][g][b][g][b][g][b][g] ...
line 1, [g][r][g][r][g][r][g][r] ...
line 2, [b][g][b][g][b][g][b][g] ...
line 3, [g][r][g][r][g][r][g][r] ...
bggr, gbrg, grbg, rggb¶
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=bggr (for bggr bayer layout)
8-bit bayer formats
// Example for bggr
uint8_t* line0 = ..;
uint8_t* line1 = ..;
uint8_t r = line1[1];
uint8_t g = (line0[1] + line1[0]) / 2;
uint8_t b = line0[0];
bggr10, gbrg10, grbg10, rggb10¶
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=bggr10 (for bggr bayer layout)
16-bit formats, with lower 10 bits valid.
See GREY10
bggr10sp, gbrg10sp, grbg10sp, rggb10sp¶
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=bggr10sp (for bggr bayer layout)
10-bit formats, packed.
See GREY10sp
bggr10m, gbrg10m, grbg10m, rggb10m¶
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=bggr10m (for bggr bayer layout)
10-bit formats, packed.
See GREY10m
bggr12, gbrg12, grbg12, rggb12¶
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=bggr12 (for bggr bayer layout)
16-bit formats, with lower 12 bits valid.
See GREY12
bggr12sp, gbrg12sp, grbg12sp, rggb12sp¶
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=bggr12sp (for bggr bayer layout)
12-bit formats, packed.
See GREY12sp
bggr12p, gbrg12p, grbg12p, rggb12p¶
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=bggr12p (for bggr bayer layout)
12-bit formats, packed.
See GREY12p
bggr12m, gbrg12m, grbg12m, rggb12m¶
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=bggr12p (for bggr bayer layout)
12-bit formats, packed.
See GREY12m
bggr16, gbrg16, grbg16, rggb16¶
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=bggr16 (for bggr bayer layout)
16-bit formats
// Example for bggr
uint16_t* line0 = ..;
uint16_t* line1 = ..;
uint16_t r = line1[1];
uint16_t g = (line0[1] + line1[0]) / 2;
uint16_t b = line0[0];
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=rggbf
32-bit float bayer formats
// Example for bggr
float* line0 = ..;
float* line1 = ..;
float r = line1[1];
float g = (line0[1] + line1[0]) / 2;
float b = line0[0];
YUV packed formats¶
Full-string: video/x-raw,format=YUY2
Full-string: video/x-raw,format=YUY2
Full-string: video/x-raw,format=YV12
PWL raw formats¶
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=pwl-rggb12m
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=pwl-rggb12
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=pwl-rggb16H12
Polarization formats¶
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=polarized-bggr8-v0 (for bggr8)
8/12/16 bit raw camera formats, line + 0 [P90][P45], line + 1 [P135][P0]
Actual image size is width+height / 2
Full-string: video/x-raw,format=polarized-GRAY8-v0 (for GRAY8)
8/12/16 bit raw camera formats, line + 0 [P90][P45], line + 1 [P135][P0]
Actual image size is width+height / 2
polarization-ADI-GRAY8, polarization-ADI-GRAY16¶
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=polarized-ADI-GRAY8
Polarization result image, packed uint8_t/uint16_t
uint8_t[0,3] or uint16_t[0,3]: [angleOfMaxPolarization, linearityOfPolarization, intensity, unused]
struct ADI_GRAY8 {
uint8_t angleOfMaxPolarization;
uint8_t linearityOfPolarization;
uint8_t intensity;
uint8_t unused;
struct ADI_GRAY16 {
uint16_t angleOfMaxPolarization;
uint16_t linearityOfPolarization;
uint16_t intensity;
uint16_t unused;
polarization-ADI-RGB8, polarization-ADI-RGB16¶
Full-string: video/tis,format=polarized-ADI-GRAY8
Polarization result image, packed uint8_t or uint16_t
uint8_t[0,8] or uint16_t[0,8]: [angleOfMaxPolarization, linearityOfPolarization, r0, g0, b0, r1, g1, b1]
struct ADI_RGB8 {
uint8_t angleOfMaxPolarization;
uint8_t linearityOfPolarization;
uint8_t r0, g0, b0;
uint8_t r1, g1, b1;
struct ADI_RGB16 {
uint16_t angleOfMaxPolarization;
uint16_t linearityOfPolarization;
uint16_t r0, g0, b0;
uint16_t r1, g1, b1;
Full-string: video/tis,format=polarized-packed-GRAY8
Polarization result image, packed angles
struct polarization_packed_gray8 {
uint8_t angle_0;
uint8_t angle_45;
uint8_t angle_90;
uint8_t angle_135;
Full-string: video/x-bayer,format=polarized-packed-bggr8
Polarization result image, packed angles in bayer layout
struct polarization_packed_bggr8 {
uint8_t angle_0;
uint8_t angle_45;
uint8_t angle_90;
uint8_t angle_135;