
The build environment allows the creation a binary package for further distribution of the compiled binaries.

Currently, only the creation of Debian packages is supported.

A release will be published at .

As of 0.12.0 packages offered by The Imaging Source are available for amd64, aarch64, and Raspberry Pi 4 (armhf). These packages are created with the options TCAM_BUILD_TOOLS, TCAM_BUILD_V4L2, TCAM_BUILD_LIBUSB, TCAM_BUILD_ARAVIS and TCAM_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION set to ON.


The naming scheme for the packages follows these rules:

The package is created on the master branch and is thus treated as a release.


Any other branch used will result in the following scheme:


This will be overwritten when a tag is present for the current commit. In this case, the package naming scheme will be:


In case of a none release build the build type will be appended to the package name.


This is used to differentiate debug builds from release builds.


To create a package, simply call the following command in the build directory:

make package

This will create a .deb file and a checksum file for the package.


To install the debian package, execute:

sudo apt install tiscamera*.deb

All dependencies will automatically be installed by the package manager.


To update the used version, simply follow the install instruction with the new package. The package manager will detect it as a new version.

For a downgrade, dpkg has to be called directly:

sudo dpkg -i tiscamera*.deb


To deinstall the package, execute:

sudo apt remove tiscamera


tiscamera serves as a drop in replacement for the package tiscamera-tcamproperty.

tiscamera-tcamproperty is a library that only contains the gobject introduction interface that is already contained in tiscamera.