Device Drivers

Downloads for the Latest Device Drivers and Third-Party Interfaces for The Imaging Source's Industrial and Embedded Cameras

Device Drivers

Device Drivers for Windows

A driver must be installed for each device that is to be used under Windows.

The required driver depends on the camera series and the software environment, for example the SDK:

  • IC Imaging Control 4 requires the use of GenTL drivers.
  • Many third-party applications such as MATLAB can use GenTL drivers.
  • IC Capture, IC Imaging Control 3.5 or earlier, use DirectShow drivers.

The following table gives an overview of the camera series supported by the driver packages.

Product GenTL Driver DirectShow Driver
USB Industrial Cameras: 38U Series, 37U Series, 33U Series IC4 GenTL Driver for USB3 Vision Device Driver for USB Industrial Cameras
DFG/HDMI IC4 GenTL Driver for Legacy Devices* Device Driver for DFG/HDMI Converter
DFG/USB2pro IC4 GenTL Driver for Legacy Devices* Device Driver for DFG/USB2pro
All Other USB Devices IC4 GenTL Driver for Legacy Devices* Device Driver for All Other USB Cameras
GigE Industrial Cameras IC4 GenTL Driver for GigE Vision Device Driver for GigE Industrial Cameras
Frame Grabber (e.g. DFG/SV1) IC4 GenTL Driver for Legacy Devices* Device Driver for Frame Grabbers
Older devices (e.g. FireWire cameras) IC4 GenTL Driver for Legacy Devices* Device Driver for Older Devices

* Please note that when using the IC4 GenTL Driver for Legacy Devices package, the matching DirectShow driver must be installed as well.

Device Drivers for Linux

Most of The Imaging Source's USB cameras work with the native usbvideo Linux kernel driver. GigE Vision and USB3 Vision cameras can be accessed with the aravis library.

To standardize access to different device types, The Imaging Source provides the tiscamera package.

The tiscamera package contains the GStreamer element, tcambin, which can pull in images from all supported cameras. A GObject interface allows access to camera settings.

Device Drivers for Embedded Vision

A kernel driver is available for the various Tegra platforms (e.g. NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™, NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX™, NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier™), enabling the use of The Imaging Source's MIPI cameras: For example, 36M series, 36A series, and 36C series.

Each prepared driver package includes device tree configurations for using The Imaging Source's embedded cameras with NVIDIA Development Kits and The Imaging Source platforms.

For other carrier boards, the device tree usually needs to be adapted. Please contact support, if you need assistance.

The driver packages are adapted to a specific NVIDIA JetPack version. If no driver package is available for your JetPack version, please contact support.