Updates and Improvements to The Imaging Source Software Portfolio
As The Imaging Source continues to expand and improve its lineup of high-performance imaging hardware, our software engineers have also been at work on the software tools that power your vision applications.
We are, therefore, pleased to announce improvements and extensions to our software portfolio. Click the 'Learn More' button for additional information and download links.
- SDKs: tiscamera 1.0 - the recently released image acquisition SDK for Linux
- IC Imaging Control: (Windows) Updated programming samples and improved Python wrapper
- End-user Software: Initial revised version of IC Measure 3.0 for Linux
- Updated Drivers: Recently released drivers for USB3 Vision and GigE Vision cameras
About The Imaging Source
Established in 1988, The Imaging Source is one of the leading manufacturers of industrial cameras, video converters and embedded vision components for factory automation, quality assurance, medicine, science, security and a variety of other markets.
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