影像采集 SDK 适用于 Linux
The Imaging Source 不断维护及开发其 Linux 函式库,包括 Linux 的 tiscamera SDK,这是一个在 github 上以 Apache 2.0 许可证发布的开源项目。
tiscamera 功能
tiscamera 建立在 GStreamer 框架之上,提供了一组 GStreamer 元素,可以轻松访问 The Imaging Source 的相机并与各种第三方图像处理插件集成。 由于 GStreamer 可以从各种编程语言中读取,开发者在创建他们的应用程序时可以选择编程语言。 只需几行代码,开发者就可以迅速配置他们的相机以及显示、捕捉和保存图像。
- 允许轻松扩展代码的旧版开源相机 SDK
- 轻松集成到强大的 GStreamer 框架中
- 针对各种操作系统和平台优化的图像处理例程,例如 arm64、Amd64、NVIDIA CUDA 等。
- 支持所有 The Imaging Source 工业相机接口,包含 MIPI CSI-2。
- tiscamera Camera Library for Ubuntu 18.04 and 22.04 64 Bit on x64 Architecture
- Ubuntu 18.04 and 22.04 64 bit installation package for The Imaging Source cameras. Contains tcam-capture camera visualization, GStreamer support and programming samples.
- tiscamera Camera Library for Ubuntu 20.04 64 Bit on x64 Architecture
- Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit installation package for The Imaging Source cameras. Contains tcam-capture camera visualization, GStreamer support and programming samples.
- tiscamera Camera Library for ARM 64 Ubuntu 18.04 and 22.04 64 Bit
- Ubuntu 18.04 and 22.04 64 bit installation package for The Imaging Source cameras. Contains tcam-capture camera visualization, GStreamer support and programming samples.
- tiscamera Camera Library for ARM 64 Ubuntu 20.04 64 Bit
- Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit installation package for The Imaging Source cameras. Contains tcam-capture camera visualization, GStreamer support and programming samples.